I wonder if fatphobia is at the core of all of this. "Healthy" vs. "unhealthy" often seems to be a code word for "doesn't make you fat" vs. "does make you fat." We've constructed it as a binary, when in reality, whether or not a particular food or substance is "healthy" is quite multidimensional and individualized.

Anyway, I agree: I'll take Ben and Jerry's over booze any day.

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This. My mom and stepdad are hardcore ethical vegans, they eat Whole Foods Plant-Based, they do intermittent fasting, they hike 6 miles a day, and they are worried about my health because I don't do those things and I am heavier than I used to be (about a size 12, so significant thin privilege here). But when they came to visit, we consumed wine in incredible quantities, we went out to a brewery that has a vegan menu, etc. It blew my mind.

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Jan 18Edited

Ah, age old lie of put clean in front of anything and it’s suddenly better! Like clean coal. They’re all oxymorons- emphasis on the morons.

This has bothered me since entering recovery. I was one of those drunkorexics with anorexia and it’s absolutely a real thing. I’m so sick of people saying clean eating when they’re describing orthorexia. And it’s just been everywhere even more so since RFK Jr ran for president and now will likely head the HHS. Like now the “obesity epidemic” is back? Bernie is discussing clean eating and ultra processed food. Sir, stay in your lane. We know you (Bernie) know how the government was lobbied by beef farmers to change the food pyramid. And the discussion should be about access to food… How do we help lower socioeconomic demographics have better access to foods?

How can we not see the dehumanizing of fatphobia/anti-fatness/fat bias? Like this obsession is such a control tactic too. And how can society not see the difference between alcohol poisoning which can literally kill you from over consumption, whereas if food poisoning is fatal (which is rare) it’s not because you had too much… it’s from bacteria. It’s nonsensical. And most additives in food are to preserve. To increase shelf life and flavor. But sure that’s dirty. These influencers need to go back in time and see what used to happen to food before there was even proper storage, before there were additives- Then tell me that food was cleaner.

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OMG that last sentence!! yes!! like ok you really want me to believe food "used to be cleaner"? when? before germ theory existed? during the industrial revolution (Upton Sinclair would like a word)? during the 50s and 60s with the heyday of DDT and other horrific chemicals? like all other politicized nostalgia, it quickly shows itself to be illogical and rooted in a fantasy of the past, not actual history.

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As a recovering orthorexic I worry a bit about the narrative for the next few years if RFKjr gets control of things.

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You can have my wine glasses, but don’t touch my dessert forks!

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I always thought Ben and Jerry were better friends than Bartle and Jaymes. Enjoy Ireland!

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Same!!! I was cheering Shana on over the choice to de-stress with Ben & Jerry's!

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Spot on.

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💯 Well said!

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Insanely good take!! Thank you for this.

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This right here 👏. I’ve literally had several conversations like this about alcohol recently. As a registered dietitian I’ve only had brief stints in counseling, mostly because I don’t think that I’m that great at it, and the cognitive dissonance is disorienting.

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