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I absolutely love talking about food but posts on social media aren’t enough. Here is where you will get more in depth and detailed essays regarding food neutrality as well as an inclusive look at health with an intersection of social justice.
About me
I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist based in Brooklyn, New York. I describe myself as an "all foods fit" dietitian. Life is already complicated, why restrict yourself unnecessarily? My goal is to create platforms for open discussion on nutrition and wellness topics that are inclusive, non diet, and weight neutral, all with an intersectionality of social justice. And no, I was not always interested in nutrition, and in the not so long ago past, I worked in the fashion industry and hated it. (The joke is: she got a B.S in Fashion Merchandising...get it?) I finally decided to make a change, go back to school and became involved in food policy and public health, where I currently work. In addition to this, I own my business, The Nutrition Tea™ which provides consulting and counseling work.
Speaking engagements include Peloton, NEDA, Eating Recovery Center, The Rose Retreats, Food Fluence, Eat Well Global, and NBC. Media such as NPR, Shape Magazine, GQ, SELF Magazine, Women's Health Magazine, Outside Magazine, ABC Good Morning America, and Healthline.